Business Spotlight: Cuddy’s

Cousins Charles and Reggie Nelson have always grown up around great, home-cooked food.

“We come from a cooking family. We grew up grilling and cooking all the time in the Strip District,” Charles said.

Reggie decided to dive into that love of food, learning the culinary trade and working as a chef. Charles, conversely, initially went into business management. However, they both quickly discovered that the entrepreneur life was calling them.

“I wanted to be my own boss. I was tired of working for other people,” Charles said.

With a plan to create a homestyle restaurant specializing in Southern comfort food, Charles and Reggie joined forces and founded Cuddy’s in 2017.

“Reggie manages the cooking, and I manage the business side of things,” Charles said.

The Nelsons initially opened Cuddy’s in a rented facility in Homewood, operating a largely take-out business. However, they were missing some necessary equipment and lacked the funds to purchase them outright.

Fortunately, one of the cousins’ social media friends shared information about Neighborhood Community Development Fund (NCDF). They reached out to loan officer Denise Graham-Shealey, who helped the duo assemble the necessary paperwork and walked them through the process of applying for financial assistance.

“I’m so glad we found Denise, because we needed the money,” Charles said. “With the financing secured, we were able to get the space and equipment we needed.”

With the help from Denise and NCDF, the cousins moved Cuddy’s from Homewood to Lawrence Hall on Butler Street in Lawrenceville, giving them access to a more consistent clientele in a sit-down, food hall setting. They also acquired all the necessary equipment they were missing from their past location, including refrigerators and vent hoods.

Today, business is on the upswing at Cuddy’s, thanks in part to its bustling new location. And now that the restaurant is on the rise, the Nelsons are eyeing an expansion. With hard work and some good luck, they hope to have a Cuddy’s in every neighborhood in Pittsburgh, but Lawrenceville will always be the place that started it all.

“I grew up in Lawrenceville, so it’s full circle to be back here,” Charles said. “You grow up jumping off the porch here, and you come back to jumpstart your business.”

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