Business Startups

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Neighborhood Development

Business Planning

Our Mission
The Neighborhood Community Development Fund provides financing and technical assistance to revitalize underserved communities in Allegheny County. We invest in small businesses, affordable housing, neighborhood commercial real estate, community facilities and energy efficiency to foster economic equity, sustainable opportunities, and racial equity for all.

Ready to Help

Starting a business can be a challenge, but don’t let that stop you from going after your goals. The Neighborhood Community Development Fund (formerly known as the “Northside Community Development Fund”) helps Allegheny County’s entrepreneurs and housing projects acquire the loans – and sometimes the leadership and support – needed to give a great idea or plan momentum. Let our team be your partner (better yet, the people in your corner) to help position your business for success. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking for a new space, need financial support to take your business to the next level, or just aren’t quite sure where to start with your strategy – we have your back.

Statement on Racial Inequity

We have seen the long shadow of our nation’s racist legacies perpetuate an unequal America. We see the economic and personal toll every day in small business lending to minority and women owned businesses in underserved neighborhoods, redlining mortgages, and credit evaluation and discrimination in personal lending.

Over 20 years ago, the Neighborhood Community Development Fund was created to mitigate the economic impacts of discrimination locally – and to help regional small businesses, entrepreneurs, neighborhood organizations, and developers to access lending and development support. These principles have driven our work ever since, but this work isn’t done. This issue is important to us, and our board and staff are dedicated to equity, diversity and a just society for all – regardless of a person’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, income, or station in life. Our neighbors deserve the best.



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Get in Touch

3923 Perrysville Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA 15214
